How to Avoid Tree Damage to Your Home

tree damageRI Home Insurance Attorneys

Heavy storms and wind can greatly damage your home. They can uproot trees, scatter branches everywhere and compromise the structural integrity of your house. 

Although it is difficult to prevent some tree-related storm damages, there are several measures that homeowners can put in place to protect their buildings from being damaged by trees. 

But the good news is that you are likely to be compensated after your house has been damaged by a falling tree. The most important thing is to ensure that you hire an experienced property damage attorney. 

Before looking at some of the measures that can help you protect your home from tree damage, let us first understand the common types of storm damage. 

It is important to understand that storms have the ability to damage your home in several ways. 

Below are some of the common types of storm damage: 

The type of damage caused during a storm may also depend on the type of tree involved, the severity of the storm, and the condition of the tree. 

In case you are not sure how to describe the damage to the insurance company, it will be important to talk to any of the property damage lawyers around. 

Some insurance companies may try to find ways of delaying or denying compensation. Working closely with lawyers for property damage can boost your chances of being compensated. 

How to can you avoid tree damage to your home? 

Generally, avoiding storm damage requires constant efforts that start the moment a tree is planted. Here are some of the measures you can take: 



An arborist perfectly understands different types of trees and how they should be planted. You may not see anything wrong when you see the changes in your landscape. But an arborist can tell you which trees can cause great damage in case of a storm. 

As such, you should try as much as possible to engage with an arborist from the time you start planting trees as a way of mitigating storm damage. 



If you have plenty of young trees around your home, then exposing them to the local or natural environment is one of the best ways to protect them. Don’t offer a lot of support to ensure that the roots and tree trunk grows strong enough to support themselves. 



When it comes to adding trees to your landscape, try as much as possible to go for native species. This is because native species are known to withstand harsh weather conditions. 

Besides, native trees are stronger and can’t be easily uprooted by heavy storms. Some of the native trees to try include, Birch, Elm, Maple, beech among others. 



Filing for compensation 

In most cases, your insurance company is supposed to compensate you after tree damage to your home. While most insurance companies will do that without much effort on your side, some might try to evade paying the claim. 

That’s where property insurance claim attorneys come in. You should start by engaging a home insurance attorney Rhode Island as soon as your house is affected. 

You can contact Richard Palumbo to get immediate assistance from an experienced home property damage lawyer.